Mahabbah Meeting with Orphans

Mahabbah Meeting with Orphans


Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah SWT.

YAK held a mahabbah meeting with the orphans to hand over some scholarship donations as well as to receive special advice from Ybrs Tuan Chairman of YAK.

Hopefully with this little contribution and with the advice of the message from the Chairman, our brothers and sisters can prepare for varsity life so that they can go far to the next level.

YAK as the guardian of the brothers and sisters would like to express our deepest appreciation for them being offered to continue their studies to a better level. We are very proud of your achievements.

Be a human being who can also contribute good for the benefit of the Muslim ummah.
جعلنا الله من الشاكرين ؛ والحمد لله الواهب الوهاب.

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