Majlis Hilal Ramadhan Peringkat Kampus Kesihatan USM

Majlis Hilal Ramadhan Peringkat Kampus Kesihatan USM

Alhamdulillah, on 15 March, Yayasan Al Khairiah received an award in conjunction with the Hilal Ramadhan Ceremony at the USM Health Campus 1443H.
The award was presented by Professor Dr. Shahrum Shamsuddin as the Acting Director of USM Health Campus as a sign of Appreciation for Sahabat Ramadhan because the Al Khairiah Foundation has always been a regular contributor of Ihya ‘Ramadhan to HUSM every year.
It is hoped that the cooperation established between Yayasan Al Khairiah and HUSM, especially the Islamic Center of the Health Campus, will always last. InsyaaAllah!

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