Ziarah Harmoni Kaum

Ziarah Harmoni Kaum

Ziarah Harmoni Kaum On 20 June, a pilgrimage programme was conducted in collaboration with Hidayah Centre Foundation (HCF). This time,the area to visit we chose is around Kubang Kerian and Kota Bharu. A total of 15 non muslims which owners of business premises were...
Hidayah Center Foundation

Hidayah Center Foundation

THANK YOU Hidayah Center Foundation May a courtesy visit from the HCF HQ delegation will be able to establish close cooperation with us, so that the mission and vision can be implemented immediately.This da’wah work is fundamental duty for every Muslim, so our...
Zakat Distribution At Al Khaairiah Foundation

Zakat Distribution At Al Khaairiah Foundation

Alhamdulillah, thankful to Allah SWT ,Ramadhan this year we were able to distribute zakat together with Ramdhan kits to asnaf recipients in the surrounding area. It’s also an annual foundationl event for the community out there. The zakat distribution ceremony was...
Iftar Ramadhan 2023

Iftar Ramadhan 2023

Alhamdulillah, thankfully, ended for the first 2 weeks of Ramadhan 2023,we made the distribution of breaking fast to Muslim nearby. The breaking fast distribution programme is our annual routine event, where this year 5000 food packs have been distributed.According to...
Asnaf House Construction 2023

Asnaf House Construction 2023

Alhamdulillah in the month of Ramadhan this year, we have started the construction of a single mothers asnaf house in Bachok at Kg Tok Burung. This is the first house of 5 units of total where the allocation cost per unit is RM 60,000 with an area of 650 sft 3 rooms...