Assistance Kit Distribution Program for Asnaf

Assistance Kit Distribution Program for Asnaf

Assistance Kit Distribution Program for AsnafAlhamdulillah, Yayasan Al-Khairiah conducted a food aid distribution program for the affected Asnaf during PKP 3.0.The distribution is done from house to house asnaf entitled around Kubang Kerian.We have prepared 100 basic...
Contribution from Ambank Islamic Berhad

Contribution from Ambank Islamic Berhad

YAK has received a contribution of RM 56,700.00 from Ambank Islamic Berhad for the purpose of distributing it to orphans registered under YAK – a total of 378 students. The distribution is given in the form of school aid to cover the expenses for their...
Distribution of 1,149 Food Kit

Distribution of 1,149 Food Kit

Praise be to Allah as much as RM 206,000 has been allocated for distribution of 1,149 food kit.As a common activity throughout Ramadhan, we have provided iftar rice wraps to the public. Since the pandemic hit, our program has been changed and this is the 2nd year that...
Study and Business Assistance

Study and Business Assistance

Praise be to Allah the Al-Khairiah Foundation had extended assistance through the Business Studies and Welfare and Education Fund (TAKEP) to a number of recipients and Malay entrepreneurs who lack capital.Recipients of Study Aid1) Wan Akmal Wan Mahmood– Study at...